Pic of the Week - Outpost

Outpost is a story about a secret meeting between two quite different lovers. In the dystopian world of this series, such a close encounter between two species is a capital crime. Therefore, the only safe place to meet is in a rundown outpost at the end of the world, in the middle of a scorching hot desert. But even here they are not safe from the dangers of a hostile world.

You can find short versions of Outpost here on my Pripaus Blog, the complete series and many other projects can be found on my Index Page.

Mancave - Project currently in progress

A group of guys gather at their mancave, embracing their passion for old cars. But boys will be boys when they start to share more in friendships with benefits.

For more on this and other projects, please look at my Index Page.

Animation Project - Chapter 19 is now in Progress

In this animation project, we return to the Solaris-1 Space Station, where Harry explores new frontiers, that no man has dared to go before. For more on this and other projects, please look at my Index Page

Deep Space - Part 3

Deep Space 1

Deep Space 2

Deep Space 3

This series of stills is part of the Deep Space animation project, where Harry explores new frontiers on board the Solaris-1 Space Station. You can find more about this and many other projects on my Patreon Index Page